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ConversArt Consulting is a trusted, leading provider of specialized organizational improvement services for national and international clients in the public and non-profit sectors.


We work extensively with senior leaders who face operational, policy, program and regulatory challenges in their efforts to enhance performance and achieve organizational transformation.


Through a range of collaborative interventions, ConversArt Consulting engages individuals and groups to augment their capacity to lead change – helping them to enhance communication, meet organizational goals, and contribute to a healthy and productive work environment.

Supporting Leadership
ConversArt Consulting


Successful leadership stems from a commitment to lifelong learning, and to the achievement of measurable, high-quality, long-term performance. ConversArt supports each client's efforts to attain such goals, delivering focused, meaningful and comprehensive support to ensure effective and sustained transformation.

Leading the Way


ConversArt recognizes that the most fundamental organizational lever is culture.  It comprises the attitudes, beliefs and values that people use to describe their work environment.  With this in mind, ConversArt invests considerable time and effort in conducting focused research, building comprehensive knowledge of, and fundamental sensitivity to, the specific cultural circumstances of each client organization. This research is the heart of ConversArt's success, establishing a profound appreciation for the context in which transformation occurs.


Having built a deep appreciation for the goals of proposed change, ConversArt moves to identify and engage appropriate stakeholders at all organizational levels. ConversArt recognizes that change, while directed by senior leaders, is enacted at a managerial level, where staff benefits from practical awareness of, and close proximity to, the machinery that propels organizational improvement.




As a company that is focused primarily on supporting leaders, at all levels, ConversArt relies on its research to clearly define the best, most effective way to engage and align organizational leadership - to built upon and grow the skills and commitment they need to leverage further advancements: the implementation of technology, establishment of structure, creation of strategy, etc.


Leaders are responsible for setting and communicating vision and direction, goals and objectives. They are also critically tasked with engaging, motivating and supporting staff. Recognizing, however, that the skills and competencies required to lead during times of change are not necessarily instinctive, ConversArt applies an integrated coaching model in which leaders come to:

  • Understand themselves through exercises and practices that involve reflection, awareness and interpretation;

  • Identify and alter specific personal behaviours using proven psychological tools and methods;

  • Recognize and meet the organizational and systemic demands of leadership; and

  • Work with their peers to grow and learn in expanded communities of practice.

As experts in the field of adult learning, or andragogy, ConversArt understands that leaders prefer to act their way into thinking, as opposed to thinking their way into acting. This fact is exemplified and corroborated by the results shown by our clients of important and effective learning that occurred not in a classroom, but in the rigours and high relevance of day-to-day work activity. Therefore, much of ConversArt's leadership development work is undertaken in real-life settings in which leaders face specific challenges for which they must build new capabilities, individually and collectively.

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ConversArt Consulting Ltd. | 1651 Autumn Ridge Drive Ottawa, Ontario  K1C 6Y1 | Telephone 613.837.6061

Fax 613.707.2867

© 2017. Copyright ConversArt Consulting Ltd.

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